
Thoughts, ramblings, peeves, and guilty pleasures. ΕΙΣ ΓΑΡ ΘΕΟΣ ΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΣΙΤΗΣ ΘΕΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΩΝ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΙΗΣΟΥΣ (1 Timothy 2:5)

Friday, September 29, 2006

Cool Site

I found a new cool site

I love cereal. I always have. Ever since I was a kid I love to eat cereal and read the boxes. This site not only has the nostalgic pictures of the cereals of the past, but also includes the backs of the boxes, so I can re-read some of the same material from 30 years ago (or longer).

Looks like my day just planned itself. The TPS reports can wait another day...I just won't use the new cover sheet.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Thoughts on the Lord's Supper

I think the basic answer to "Why do you take the Lord's Supper every week?" is because I believe it is important enough to do so. Paul says that as often as we take of it we proclaim Jesus until he comes.

A friend wrote a great commentary at He is very quotable, my favorite is "Sunday morning is full of ways that we show love to each other and to God. But communion is different. All the other stuff is us doing things to tell God we love Him. Communion is God telling us that He loves us."

In Acts and Corinthians there are several accounts of the reason the church came together was for the breaking of bread. (the greek references a particular bread and a particular act of breaking it) Many of the churches met daily, but Sunday was set aside for the lord's supper.

The first day was identified by the early church as the day to meet and partake because:
Jesus was raised from the dead on the first day
Every resurrection account is on the first day
Post resurrection appearances were on the first day of the week
Pentecost was on the first day of the week.
The apostles called Sunday "The Lord's Day"

1 Corinthians 10 has the verse I usually read about the service. Paul writes that the breaking of the bread and the cup are participation with Christ. And the participation is what unifies us. If this is where we are unified, should we not be unified at least weekly?

Besides the scriptural references there are several non-scriptural historical accounts. The early church was even accused of cannibalism by the Romans and jews because when they came together they had the Lord's Supper.

So if Jesus says "Do this", and Paul says "Do this", the early church said "Do this", then when we are deciding if we should do it or not, I'll stick with those guys.

My personal feeling is the reason it isn't done usually in an emotionalist church, is that they feel it is a downer to have a memorial that could be a buzzkill.

The good news is that there are a lot of baptist ministers rethinking their stance on the lord's supper and baptism.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Dennis Does it Again

Ever since Dennis Miller's conversion from the dark side, he has been a lot funnier. Last night, he was on Hannity & Combover giving his own free speech segment about illegal immigration.

The quotable quotes I found were:

"I don't have anything against Mexicans, but for God sakes, at least sign the guest book on the way in"

And when commenting about Mexico's economy, he called in "in a permament state of siesta".

This is a bad thing?

This story was interesting.

I'm sure the media types will turn this into a negative story, but shouldn't this have been our attitude to the world after 9/11.

We are confronting an enemy without borders. An enemy of moon worshipers who have no value on their own lives or the lives of other. An enemy of just plain evil.

Is threatening these countries with "being blown back to the stone age" that much of a threat anyway? They haven't made it much further than that anyway.

Monday, September 18, 2006


The muslim world has been outraged by recent comments by the man calling himeself a pope.

They are offended by his comments that the muslim faith brings unnecessary violence and hatred to the world.

In response to this statement muslims have decided to burn down churches, and throw firebombs. Point proven.

Friday, September 15, 2006

The face of the enemy

This picture from the AP is a true representation of the face of islam.

They are frustrated they had several thousand years of a headstart on the rest of the world, but now are centruries behind other civilizations.

They are frustrated they live in countries without seven-eleven's and not a large need for taxi's.

They are frustrated they adhere to a religion based on ramblings from a pedophile moon worshiper.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The not so Graceful, Nancy Grace

Nancy evidently had another stunning display

From the AP; Travis Reed

Two weeks after telling police that her son had been snatched from his crib, Melinda Duckett, of Leesburg, Fla., found herself reeling in a television interview with Grace. Before it was over, Grace was pounding her desk and loudly demanding to know: "Where were you? Why aren't you telling us where you were that day?" A day after the taping, Friday Sept. 8, 2006, Duckett, 21, shot herself to death, deepening the mystery of what happened to the boy.

Monday, September 11, 2006


Another 9-11 post

I was just thinking about the events after the attacks that we all witnessed and even in the months following...the only word I can think of to explain it is Honesty.

I think we saw what/who we really are. I think the shock of the events kept everyone true to themselves. Individualism was gone because "We Were One" in those moments.

Reporters seemed to want to report, not try to win an Emmy, or get their point of view on air. Networks worked together to facilitate donations and contact families.

Elected officials did their duty, not muscle for political gain. Communities grew closer together. American flags were no where to be found in the stores.

People wanted to help so much, nobody really knew what to do. Lines formed outside bloodbanks. Children sold ribbons. Truckloads of bottled water, snacks, face masks were sent to NY.

I think when we let our guard down (or its knocked off) we show who we are. Unfortunately the masks are back on and more secure than ever. I don't think another attack would have the strength to remove them. God save us all.

Feeling Safer?

Leading up to today's anniversary of the 9-11 tragedies, there has been a lot of commentary on the news about "Are we safer now than 5 years ago".

This question to me appears very absurd. We were not safe before 9-11 so the comparison is flawed. We did not realize we were at war on September 10 2001, but our enemies did.

I remember hearing the news about the first plane hitting the first tower, and tuning in during a break from a meeting to see the live update of the rescue efforts.

The most shocking thing I have ever seen happened at that moment. Watching a live broadcast of the second plane hitting the second tower.

This was the moment everyone realized this event was something different. The world changed from that moment.

It didn't take long after 9-11 to realize that our children will spend their lifetimes in a wartime posture. We had our eyes opened that evil does continue to exist and we forgot about it.

I also remember in the following days the scene in Washington D.C. of members of congress holding a press conference to declare that America is united in a desire to hold those who were responsible, accountable for their actions.

The conference ended, the commentors started to give their signoffs "live from the capital" when something else happened. Someone started singing "God Bless America". Everyone stopped turned and started singing together.

How far we have come.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Reach out and touch someone

Can you hear me NOW?