
Thoughts, ramblings, peeves, and guilty pleasures. ΕΙΣ ΓΑΡ ΘΕΟΣ ΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΣΙΤΗΣ ΘΕΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΩΝ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΙΗΣΟΥΣ (1 Timothy 2:5)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Fortunately, I am fully represented at the state and national level all by Republican representatives.

Unfortunately, that means the election results were very disappointing to me last night.

Fortunately, I have heard that many of the 'new democrats' are more conservative & evangelical than their teammates. More than a few oppose abortion and support the 2nd Ammendment.

Unfortunately since they are freshment congressmen, they won't have much political pull with their colleagues.

Fortunately,....well I can't really think of anything else

Unfortunately, Nancy Pelosi seems sure to be the next Speaker of the House. This alone should have scared the fence straddlers. Some of the newly elected have said (during election time for what it is worth) that they would not commit to voting for her for Speaker. I think even the Dem's will realize the harm this woman brings to our country. And from the looks of her...there is no chance of a sex scandal.

This election cycle has brought two new issues to light in congress that did not exist previously when the democrats were in power (for over 30 years).

1. Homosexual activity now is a bad thing. Both the media and pundits seemed to agree that this kind of behavior is no longer to be tolerated in Washington during the campaigns. I'm glad we all agree on that now.
2. Representatives and Senators involved in scandals should step down. Instead of staying in office to fight the accusations or just waiting them out, the new trend is that they immediately resign as called for by the libs and media (sorry for being redundant there).

I didn't vote for Kinky Friedman, but he did have some good lines this campaign.

"Politics comes from the latin "poly" meaning more than one, and "tics" meaning small blood sucking creatures."

He also said he changed his mind on the fence border along Texas and Mexico because in his words (borrowed from Jesse Ventura)...

"You never know when you might need to get out"

My original plan on this blog was just to ramble on for a year to see what it was all about. Which means there are about 2 weeks left. But Pilosi will keep me busy.


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